Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Scriptures Index for Examining the Trinity

Scriptures Index for Examining the Trinity
Gen. 1:26 ("Let us make man in our image") - ELOHIM 3-6; I-AM 5; US
Gen. 1:27,28 ("in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them")- ELOHIM (f.n. #1)
Gen. 5:1,2 ("made him in the likeness of God... created them male and female") - ELOHIM (#1)
Gen. 7:15 ("Force of life" vs. "Breath of life") - NWT 33
Gen. 8:21 ("Restful odor" vs. "Pleasing odor") - NWT 34
Gen. 16:12 - ("Zebra" vs. "Wild ass") - NWT 34
Gen. 17:4 - ("A crowd of nations") - NWT 35
Gen. 18:1-19:1 (Three Angels Speak to Abraham) - IMAGE 5-6, (and f.n.
#7); SF 2-3
Gen. 19:24 - ("Jehovah rained down fire...from Jehovah") - MINOR 21
Gen. 20:13 - Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1)
Gen. 21:9 - ("Poking fun") - NWT 32
Gen. 35:7 - Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1)
Ex. 3:14 ("I AM WHO I AM") - I-AM 11-16
Ex. 7:1 (Moses is "a god") - DEF 4, 5-6; MY GOD 6; WORSHIP 1
Ex. 20:7 (Jehovah's name must not be misused) – JHVHNT 5 (and f.n.)
Num 12:8 (Moses beholds the form of Jehovah) - SF 1-2
Deut. 6:4 ("The LORD our God is one LORD") - ECHAD
Deut. 12:29-30 (Do not do for God as pagans do for gods) - HIST 20
Deut. 32:6 (Jehovah is Father) - BWF (#10); KNOW 4; I-AM 2
Deut. 32:29 (No other god beside me) - No Other gods (or God)
Judges 6:31 ("He is a god" - Septuagint) - QUAL 11; DEF (f.n.#18); SEPTGOD
Judges 14:3 (NWT Criticized For: "Her get for me") - NWT 23-24
1 Sam. 20:12 (Said unto David, "O LORD God of Israel") - MY GOD 3-4
1 Sam. 28:13 (Spirit medium sees "a god") - DEF 5, 6
2 Sam. 7:23 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1)
1 Kings 1:21 ("My Lord") - MY GOD 6; WORSHIP 3
1 Kings 1:31 (Bathsheba "worships" King David) - WORSHIP 3
1 Kings 18:27 ("He is a god") - DEF 15, (f.n.#18); QUAL 11; SEPTGOD
3 Kings 1:21 (Septuagint: "My Lord") - MY GOD 6; WORSHIP 3
3 Kings 1:31 (Septuagint: Bathsheba "worships" King David) - WORSHIP 3
3 Kings 18:27 (Septuagint: "He is a god") - DEF 15, (f.n.#18); QUAL 11;
1 Chron. 29:20 (Worship to Jehovah and King David) - WORSHIP 4; THRONE
2; HS 14
Job 18:13 ("Firstborn of Death") - BWF 11,12-13
Ps. 1:2 ("Reads in an undertone") - NWT 33
Ps. 2:1,2 - I-AM 2
Ps. 2:7 - I-AM 2,16
Ps. 8:5-6 (Angels called "gods") - DEF 4
Psalm 45:6 ("Your throne, O God") - HEB
Psalm 46 ("Shake" - "spear") - THEOMATICS (end note)
Psalm 58:11 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1)
Psalm 90:2 (Bowman's example of an `absolute' I Am) - I-AM (f.n. #8)
Ps 110:1 ("Jehovah said to my Lord") - THRONE 2; KNOW 2,3,4; I-AM
2,7,16; MINOR 7
Psalm 139:15,16 (Yatsar: "Purposed" vs. "Formed") - YATSAR
Prov. 8:22-30 (Wisdom = Jesus) - BWF 1,5-9; QUAL 6; KAILIN-K; CREEDS 10,
12, 15 (bis), 16.
Is. 6:3 (Holy, Holy, Holy) - MINOR 4-5
Is. 7:14 ("Immanuel") - NAME 2
Is. 9:6 (Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God) - NAME; BOWNWT 3
Is. 43:10 ("I am") - I-AM 14 (and f.n. #12)
Is. 43:11 ("savior") - TC 1
Is. 44:6 ("First and Last") - TC 2-3
Is. 44:6 ("And his Redeemer") - AO 6
Is. 45:11 ("And his maker") - MINOR #13
Is. 48:16 (Speaker Confusion Example) - AO 5-6
Is. 53:10 - I-AM 2
Is. 58:1 ("Call out full-throated") - NWT 33
Is. 64:8 (Jehovah is Father) - BWF (#10); KNOW 4; I-AM 2
Jer. 23:6 ("Jehovah Is Our Righteousness") - NAME 4
Jer. 31:32-34 ("shall teach no more... `know Jehovah'") - KAILIN-I 4-5
Ezek. 28:2 (Prince of Tyre: "a god" or "God") - DEF 15
Micah 2:7 ("Spirit of Jehovah ... He...") - HS (f.n. #4)
Micah 5:2 (Messiah has "always" existed) - MINOR 6; BWF 1
Micah 5:4 (Jehovah is Jesus' God) - MINOR 5; I-AM 2,16
Zech. 12:10 ("Pierced Me") - MINOR 1-2; NWT-B 5-6
Malachi 2:10 (One Father; One God) - ECHAD 7-8
Malachi 3:8 ("Earthling man") - NWT 33
Matt. 1:23 ("Immanuel") - NAME 2
Matt. 5:19 (NWT's rendering of en not as "in") - BOWNWT 6-7
Matt. 6:17 ("Greased" vs. "Anointed") - NWT 34
Matt. 12:32 (Blasphemy to Christ: forgiven; to HS: not) - HS 16 (and
f.n.#10 &11); BOWHS (f.n.)
Matt. 19:17 ("None Good but God") - See Mark 10:17, 18
Matt. 22:32 ("The God of Abraham and ...") - SHARP (f.n. #8)
Matt. 27:50 (Pneuma) - NWT 11-13
Matt. 28:19 (In name of Father, Son, and HS) - HS 10-14
Mark 3:28 - see Matt. 12:32
Mark 10:17, 18 ("No One Good Except God") - CHART #1
Mark 13:32 (the Father alone knows) - CHART 5 (sect.#8)
Mark 15:39 ("Son of God") - HARNER 4, (and f.n.#3)
Luke 2:11 ("Savior") - TC 1
Luke 12:10 (Speak against Jesus: Forgiven, but...) - HS 16; BOWHS (f.n.)
Luke 23:43 (Punctuation of `I Tell You Today…') - NWT 7
Luke 23:46 (Pneuma) - NWT 11-13
John 1:1 As Understood by Modern and Ancient Speakers of Greek - DEF
(f.n. #1)
John 1:1 - ("Was" - Eternal?) - BOWGOD 8-10; `Was' and `Beginning' as
used in John's Prologue
John 1:4 - ("Life in Him") - CHART #4
John 1:14 ("The Word flesh became") - HARNER 5
John 1:18 - OBGOD; DEF 1-2; TRINTYPE 4,8; QUAL 8; THEON 2,3,4; MARTIN
John 1:21 ("The Prophet") - DEF 13-14; QUAL 10,11, (and f.n. #9); MARTIN
John 2:19 ("I will raise it up") - RU 1-2
John 3:15,16,36 ("believe" vs. "exercise faith") - FAITH
John 3:29 (The bridegroom - ?) - DEF (f.n. #9)
John 4:19 ("a prophet") - DEF 13-14; QUAL 10,11, (and f.n. #9)
John 4:22-24 (Jesus identifies true worship: worship the Father) -
John 4:24 (Abstract or Concrete?) - QUAL 12,13, (and f.n. #11)
John 4:24 (True Worship) - WORSHIP 1,7
John 5:18 ("Equal") - MINOR 8-12; ISO-MART
John 5:22 (Father entrusts judgment to Son) - TC 3
John 5:23 (Honor Son just as Father) - MINOR 22-23
John 5:37 (Have never seen form of the Father) - SF 1-2
John 6:38 (Came down from heaven to do Father's will) - LOGOS (f.n. # 9)
John 6:70 ("One of you devil is") - QUAL 9-11, (and f.n.#'s 7,10)
John 8:24 ("I am [he]") - I-AM 2,3,4,8,(and f.n.#12); LF-3 2-3.
John 8:58 - I-AM
John 9:24 ("This man sinner is") - HARNER 5- 6
John 10:11 ("The Good Shepherd") - CHART #1
John 10:18 ("I have power to take it again") - RU 2-3
John 10:30 ("I and my Father are one") - ONE
John 10:33 ("Make yourself God/a god" - `Blake's Rule') - THEON; MY GOD
John 10:34 ("gods you are") - DEF 5,15-16; MY GOD 8; THEON
John 12:41 (Isaiah saw his glory) - MINOR 3-4
John 14:7-9 (Seen me: seen Father) - OMN 3-5
John 14:14 ("Me" omitted in the NWT) - BOWNWT 5-6
John 14:17 - CHART 8 (sect.#11); HS 5, 6 (and f.n. #1 and 4)
John 14:28 (Meizon / "Greater") - MINOR 11-13; LOGOS (f.n. #9)
John 16:7 (Paraclete / "Comforter") - HS 5-6 (and f.n. #4 and 5)
John 16:13 (Uncertainty of gender for some verbs) - HS 3-8,(and f.n.'s
#3 and 5)
John 17:3 ("Taking in knowledge") - NWT 22-23; TRUE 4
John 17:5 (Dia vs. Para) - ELOHIM (f.n.#2)
John 19:19,20 (Pilate Makes Sign in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin) - JHVHNT (#
John 19:37 - MINOR 1-2; NWT-B 5-6
John 20:28 - John 20:28 paper (MY GOD)
Acts 2:17,18 (Holy Spirit `poured out') - HS 8,9
Acts 2:33-36 - I-AM 2,16
Acts 4:25-27 - I-AM 2
Acts 5:3 (Ananias) - HS 1,15,16
Acts 6:11 ("Blasphemy against Moses and God") - HS (f.n. #8)
Acts 7:55 (Stephen's vision of God) - THRONE 5; I-AM 3
Acts 10:36 (NWT's use of "other") – NWT 8-11
Acts 13:33 - I-AM 2,16
Acts 17:27, 28 ("In Him We Live") - IN/WITH 4; CHART #9
Acts 20:28 ("With his own blood") - MINOR 18-19
Acts 28:25 (Holy Spirit "speaks") - HS 10,11
Ro. 8:1 ("Now" omitted in the NWT) - BOWNWT 5
Ro. 8:10 ("Spirit is Life") - CHART #4
Ro. 8:29 ("Firstborn among many brothers") - BWF 10,11,13
Ro. 8:32 (the NWT's use of "other") - NWT 9; BOWNWT 3,4
Ro 9:5 ("Who is over all, God blessed forever") - AO 7-8
1 Cor. 2:7 ("Sacred secret" vs. "Mystery") - NWT 34
1 Cor. 3:10 (Only foundation) - TRINTYPE 11
1 Cor. 7:36 ("Virginity") - NWT 28-29
1 Cor. 8:4 ("God is one [oudeis] person") - TC (f.n. #3)
1 Cor. 8:5,6 ("To us one God, the Father") - TC 6-7 (and f.n.'s #4, 6);
BWF 3-4 ("source")
1 Cor. 11:3 (Head of Christ is God) - CHART, sect. 13 (and f.n.#3); TC 7;
LOGOS (f.n. #9)
1 Cor. 11:24-25 ("Is" Translated as "Means" in NWT) - NWT 28
1 Cor. 14:12-16 (NWT's use of "[gift of the] spirit" - BOWNWT 4-5
1 Cor. 15:10 ("I Am What I Am") - TRINTYPE 9; I-AM 16
1 Cor. 15:29 ("Baptism for dead") - NWT 28
2 Cor. 3:17,18 ("The Lord is the Spirit") - HS 16-17
2 Cor. 13:14 (3 "persons" in same verse) - HS 14
Gal. 1:8,9 ("a gospel other than the one we preached ... let him
be...condemned") - HIST 44 (#166)
Gal. 3:20 ("God is one person") - ONE 3-4
Eph. 1:17,20 - TC 4; I-AM 2
Eph. 4:4-6 ("One God and Father") - TC 7
Eph. 4:30 ("grieving God's Holy Spirit")
Phil. 1:23 (Analuo - "Releasing") - NWT 15-17
Phil. 2:6 ("Not robbery to be equal to God") – PHIL
Phil. 2:6 "not … but" expressions – KAILIN-P (f.n. 8)
Phil. 2:9 (NWT's use of "other") - BOWNWT 4
Phil. 2:11 ("Jesus is `JEHOVAH'"?) - KAILIN-O 3-4; KAILIN-P (f.n. #11)
Phil. 2:13 (Anarthrous theos) - MARTIN 7,12-13; BOWGOD 1,7 (and f.n. #5)
Col. 1:15 ("Firstborn of all creation") - BWF 9-16
Col. 1:16 ("Other") - NWT 8-11;
(en: "in" or "through") – IN-WITH 1 (and f.n. #1)
Col. 1:19 ("The" omitted before "fullness" in NWT) - BOWNWT 5
Col. 2:6-12 (NWT's rendering of en not as "in") - BOWNWT 6
Col. 2:9 ("Fulness" and "Godhead") - FULNESS
2 Thess. 1:12 - SHARP; SHARP-PRIM
1 Tim. 3:16 ("God was manifest in the flesh") - MINOR 19-21
1 Tim. 4:1-7 ("Forbid marriage/Abstinence from certain foods") - HIST
1 Tim. 5:21 - SHARP; SHARP-PRIM; LF-3, p.5.
Titus 2:13 (Sharp's Rule) - SHARP
Titus 3:10 ("reject a man who causes division") - KAILIN-E 1-2
Heb. 1:3 ("The express image of his person") - MINOR 15-18
Heb. 1:4 (Kreitton/"Better") - MINOR 11-13
Heb. 1:7 (Angels are "spirits" or "wind") - NWT 13-15
Heb. 1:8 ("Your throne, O God") – HEB 1-7
Heb. 5:5 - I-AM 2, 16
1 Peter 2:3 ("Jehovah" or "Lord") - NWT-B 1-3
1 Peter 3:15 ("Jehovah" or "Lord") - NWT-B 3-4
2 Peter 1:1 (Sharp's Rule) - SHARP
1 John 1:5 ("God is Light") - LOGOS (f.n. #2)
1 John 4:1-3,6 ("Inspired expression" vs. "Spirit") - NWT 31; BOWHS 7-8
1 John 4:8 ("God is Love" - "Qualitative") - QUAL 2,3,12-13
1 John 5:7 (Spurious Passage in KJV - "Father, Son, and HS Are One") -
1 John 5:8 (Spirit, water, blood are one) - HS 14; CREEDS (f.n. #1)
1 John 5:20 ("The true God" - Jesus?) - MINOR 21-22; DEF (f.n. #12);
QUAL (f.n. #2); TRUE 2-3
1 John 5:20 (NWT rendering of en not as "in") - BOWNWT 6
Jude :25 - TC 2
Rev. 1:6-9 (John "is" the Alpha and Omega) - TRINTYPE 11
Rev. 1:17 (First and Last) - TC 2-3
Rev. 3:14 ("Beginning of the creation of God") - BWF 1-5 (#7); NWT 6
Rev. 4:6 and 5:6 (Jesus "standing in the center of the throne [of God]") -
THRONE (last half)
Rev. 13:1 ("Wild beast") - NWT 34-35
Rev. 14:14-20 (Jesus and Angel "reap" equally) - REAPS
Rev. 19 ("Hallelujah") - JHVHNT
Rev. 21:7 ("I shall be to him God") - DEF 28,32
Rev. 22:1 ("The Throne of God and the Lamb") - THRONE 1-2
Rev. 22:8,9 (Angel stops John from bowing down) - WORSHIP 3,4
Rev. 22:12 ("I am coming soon") - AO 4-5
Rev. 22:13 (Alpha and Omega) - AO 1-4
Rev. 22:20 ("I am coming soon") - AO 4-5


  1. The link to the discussion of Hebrews 1:10-12 doesn't seem to work, I can't find any discussion of that Scripture on the linked page. Is the link incorrect?

  2. I don't believe there is any link for Heb. 1:10. The scripture itself is listed but without a link. However, I would repeat the following from the Heb. 1:8 study:

    “World-renowned Scottish New Testament interpreter," Dr. William Barclay, comments as follows:

    “The letter [of Hebrews] was written to a Church which had had great days and great teachers and leaders.” - p. 6. “Moreover, it was obviously written to a scholarly group [who] ... had long been under instruction and were preparing themselves to become teachers of the Christian faith.” - p. 7.

    “[The author] is concerned to prove [Jesus’] SUPERIORITY OVER THE ANGELS.” - p. 16, The Letter to the Hebrews, Revised Edition, 1976, The Westminster Press.

    Yes, this world-acclaimed trinitarian scholar has (perhaps inadvertently) illuminated the truth of the doctrine of God which was understood by first-century Christians! They had absolutely no concept of the 3-in-one God idea which was developed in later centuries (see the HIST study). IF these learned 1st century Christians had really considered Jesus “equally God” (as 4th century Christendom began doing), it certainly would have been nonsensical for the writer of Hebrews to attempt to prove that Jesus was superior to all other angels!


    Noted trinitarian NT Greek scholar, A. T. Robertson tells us that the inspired Letter to the Hebrews was written to a church of Jewish Christians whose Jewish neighbors

    “... have urged them to give up Christ and Christianity and to come back to Judaism.... These Jews argued that the prophets were superior to Jesus, the law came by the ministry of angels, Moses was greater than Jesus, and Aaron than Jesus. [The writer of Hebrews] turns the argument on the Jews and boldly champions the Glory of Jesus as superior at every point to all that Judaism had, as God’s Son and man’s Saviour, the crown and glory of the Old Testament prophecy, the hope of mankind. It is the first great apologetic for Christianity and has never been surpassed.” - Word Pictures in the New Testament, Vol. v, pp. 331, 339.

    Again, it would have been absolutely absurd for the inspired writer of Hebrews to devote this entire, long letter to proving that Jesus is superior to Moses, Aaron, and the angels if the intended readers, as the spirit-born Christians they were, had already accepted Jesus as God Almighty! And even if they had originally believed that Jesus was God, but were now in doubt, the Bible writer certainly wouldn’t waste any time trying to prove Jesus’ superiority to Moses and the angels. He would have dedicated the entire letter to proving absolutely that Jesus is God (if he had really believed such a thing himself)!

    Furthermore, if those Jewish neighbors had any inkling that these Christians believed that anyone except Jehovah, the Father alone, was Almighty God, they wouldn’t have spent any time at all on these other relatively minor aspects. The clamor of the Jews against Christians who called Jesus “God” would have been deafening, overwhelming!

    But there is no record of any such thing until after the Trinity Doctrine was declared by the Roman Catholic Church in the 4th century A.D.! - See ISRAEL and CREEDS studies.

  3. The link I was referring to is above: "Heb. 1:10-12 ("In the beginning, Lord, you founded the earth") – HEB 7-8" but the HEB study doesn't mention Hebrews 1:10-12 where the writer quotes Psalm 102 (about Jehovah as creator) and applies it to Jesus. Do you have any comment specifically on this?

    It is certainly noteworthy that the author of Hebrews quotes the LXX which has the words in question applied to someone other than Jehovah, and it would seem strange for the author of Hebrews to use the passage to teach that Jesus IS creator when he has just said that he is the AGENT of creation a few verses earlier. What are your thoughts?

  4. It is confusing to understand this writer to be apparently quoting God (Jehovah) as addressing Jehovah when the Psalm being quoted is actually a prayer by a man to Jehovah God!

    Furthermore, since Bible scholars agree that this was written to a congregation of Hellenistic Jews who already knew who Jesus and God were, it is impossible to assume that they were just now, in this indirect fashion, being told that the Son was God!

    And, sure enough, the writer of Hebrews is not concerned with what would be the most essential matter of all, but is striving, instead, to prove that the Son is superior to the [other] prophets and angels! If he had really intended to say that Jesus is equally God, he would have said so instead of attempting to prove his superiority to prophets and angels!

    So confusing as it may be to us (2 Peter 3:16), and whatever he is trying to say, it cannot be that the Son is Jehovah or is equally God!

    The Watchtower Society explains it this way:

    “Why does Hebrews 1:10-12 quote Psalm 102:25-27 and apply it to the Son, when the psalm says that it is addressed to God? Because the Son is the one through whom God performed the creative works there described by the psalmist. (See Colossians 1:15, 16; Proverbs 8:22, 27-30.) It should be observed in Hebrews 1:5b that a quotation is made from 2 Samuel 7:14 and applied to the Son of God. Although that text had its first application to Solomon, the later application of it to Jesus Christ does not mean that Solomon and Jesus are the same.” – p. 414, "Reasoning from the Scriptures".

    We also see that Heb. 1:8, 9 is a quote of Ps.45:6, 7 where the psalmist is speaking of a human king (possibly Solomon) not Jehovah or Jesus. It also has been given a secondary fulfillment by the writer of Hebrews in being applied to Jesus. Again this should not be understood as meaning the ancient human king in the Psalm was actually Jesus Christ.

    I have no better explanation (which does not mean there isn’t one), and so rely on what has been said above and the obvious knowledge that in context here, the writer has not attempted to say that the Son is Jehovah or equally God, and has, in fact, made many statements to the contrary).

  5. Hi everyone, I know this text is often used to show since it is talking about Jehovah in Psalms that Jesus must be Jehovah. However, we know that can't be since Jehovah is the God of the Messiah according to Micah 5:4. Could it be to understand Hebrews 1:10 we could just read a few more verses? In Hebrews 2:7 it tells us, "You made him a little lower than angels; you crowned him with glory and honor, and appointed him over THE WORKS OF YOUR HANDS." Whose hands? The God and Father of Jesus Christ who is Jehovah God. Now when we go back to Hebrews 1:10 it makes scriptural sense that it speaks about the heavens and earth as the work of his hands and Jesus absolutely was appointed to participate in making all things as he always is when having a share in fulfilling God's purpose. As Psalm 8:6 tells us: "You [Jehovah] gave him [Jesus] dominion over the works of your hands; You have put everything under his feet:" Thanks for listening.
