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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Note (162.) to "History of the 'Christian' Trinity - HIST)"

162. Footnotes from the Roman Catholic The New American Bible, St. Joseph Ed., 1970:

Rev. 2:14-15 - “Like Balaam, the biblical prototype of religious compromisers..., the Nicolaitans in Pergamum and Ephesus accommodated their Christian faith to paganism.” And notice how strongly this was condemned by Jesus: He would come and “fight against them with the sword of my mouth”!

Rev. 2:20 - “The scheming and treacherous Jezebel of old...introduced pagan customs into the religion of Israel [note her fate - 2 Ki. 9:30-37]; this new [’Christian’] Jezebel [or religious ‘harlot’] was doing the same to Christianity.” And, again, notice Jesus’ powerful condemnation of her and of those who aided her - Rev. 2:22 - and of those who listen to and follow her teachings (her “daughters”) - Rev. 2:23.

Now review HIST appendix notes #19, 20 (and #3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). (Also see the Watchtower for the series “Did the Early Church Teach that God is a Trinity?” - WT issues of 1 Nov. 1991, 1 Feb. 1992, 1 April 1992, and 1 Aug. 1992.)

Entire Study File

Trinity Index

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