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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Note (34.) to "History of the 'Christian' Trinity - HIST"

34.  "Brahmanism was a distinctive variation on the ancient vedic themes. Its practitioners gave to Hinduism a new turn, which was expressed in the Upanishads (c. 800-600 B. C.), sacred writings of a philosophic character. An urge toward unity favored the combination of conflicting monotheistic and pantheistic tendencies, and from this compromise arose the conception of Prajapati, the personal creator of the world and the manifestation of the impersonal Brahma [Brahma, neuter]. Brahma [Brahma] was conceived as the universal self-existing World soul, the keystone of the pantheistic arch of Brahmanism.

"Those accustomed to the worship of concrete gods and goddesses did not take kindly to a colorless deity, however, even if the deity was Brahma [Brahma, neuter]. To satisfy them Brahmanism was forced to incorporate certain objects of popular devotion, and accordingly, the three gods Brahma [masculine], Vishnu, and Siva were worshiped equally. This triad was a triple impersonation of the divinity responsible for the creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe. Brahmanism thus effected a compromise that satisfied both the esoteric members of the Hindu community and the more popular demands of folk religion." - Collier's Encyclopedia, pp. 458, 459, v. 4, 1975 ed. (Also see Encyclopedia Americana, 1944, v. 14, p. 196.)

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